Introducing ACI UK’s Soft Skill Training Series Technical expertise is crucial in FX – but in a relationship-driven market so are soft skills. ACI... Read More
Few industries are as large, as important and offer such diverse and rewarding career paths as the FX and Money Markets. Helping people to understand them is what ACI UK does.
At ACI UK we are passionate about promoting the highest standards of professionalism in the industry and about providing those people who work in it, as well as those who are thinking of having a career in it, with everything they need to be successful and make the right choices. We’re a RESOURCE, a REFERENCE and a NETWORK.
Founded in the 1950s, almost 70 years on the values and tenets upon which the ACI UK was formed remain as relevant as they’ve ever been.
To INFORM – ACI brings diverse perspectives together to share market insight and shape best practice.
To EDUCATE – ACI UK raises awareness, provides globally-recognised professional qualifications and helps make industry codes of conduct principles practical.
To REPRESENT – ACI UK uses its platform to speak up for, promote and advance the cultural changes we still need to achieve.
At its heart though the ACI UK is, and has always been, a COMMUNITY – one that champions professional excellence and personal integrity, and provides career support and connectivity, for people at every stage of their working life.
Beware of putting today’s FX talent into yesterday’s work culture Millennials (1981-1996) are the next generation of emerging FX talent, followed closely by... Read More
Digital Assets Forum’s next event about “Learning from previous winters and problems” will be on Wednesday 18th of September! The event will commence at... Read More
Mid-Year Market Outlook for 2024: Fundamental vs Technicals Perspective Join the STA, ACI UK, The Broker Club and Commodity Trading Club for what promises to be an interesting and... Read More
Digital Assets Forum’s next event will be on Wednesday 17th of July! Register now to attend the ‘Panel Discussion & Summer Social’ chaired by... Read More